1. Bleed On
  2. FEFU
  3. Salt Lake City
  4. Dominator
  5. Demented
  6. Blast
  7. Like You Want
  8. Relentless
  9. Massacre
  10. Runaway #2
  11. Go!
  12. Another Classic
  13. Christ on a Mic
  14. Downey Junior
  15. The Dwarves Must Die

Every style from blistering punk to tuneful pop, from dirty hip/hop to experimental noise, garage, surf and death metal infect this sprawling schizophrenic disc. Producers Blag Dahlia and Eric Valentine intended to put the final nail in the Dwarves coffin with this epic monstrosity, but the listening public lapped it up like your mom during Fleet Week. Features cameos from Dexter Holland, San Quinn, Black Josh Freese and a fistful of Dwarves.

Hits include Salt Lake City, FEFU and Massacre.

Must Die Redux includes bonus tracks.

Must Die Redux includes bonus tracks.
Greedy Media
Sympathy For The Record Industry